
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;

for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs. Matthew 19:14

Our Children's Director, Kayla Hull is available

with any questions or concerns you may have.

Please contact her if you need anything.

Our goal is to equip children to grow up knowing God,

feeling God's love, and making God a part of every aspect of their life.

Sunday School

On Sunday morning during our 9:30am worship service

we offer Children's Sunday School for preschool through 5th grade.

Children join us in worship with their parents for the beginning of the service

and are released to Sunday School after the first two songs.

During Sunday School, children grow in their relationship with Jesus

through relevant lessons from the Bible, small group study,

playtime, crafts, and prayer.

We are currently using the Grow Curriculum

which provides a combination of videos and hands-on teaching resources.

Children are also always welcome to participate in the full worship service

with their parents if they wish.


Childcare is provided for babies and toddlers during worship.


July 29-August 1

Children ages 3-12

Child Protection Policy

Central to the Christian faith is the inherent value and worth of all people.

Children and youth are least able to protect themselves in our society,

and are particularly vulnerable to abuse and neglect.

We are committed to doing whatever we can to protect

the children and youth who participate in the life of our congregation.

To be approved as a volunteer who works with children and youth,

you must complete a background check,

review the Child Protection Policy,

and complete the necessary training.

River of Life UMC Child Protection Policy

River of Life UMC Background Check - Complete with Secure Online Process