Sermon Archive

Make the Vision a Reality: God’s Vision Bursts our Bubbles

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Sermon Archive

God’s Vision Expands Our Vision

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Sermon Archive

God Does Have a Plan For Us – And Needs Us to Make it Happen!

God does actually give clear direction for us in the Church. This is not just some nebulous statement of faith. When we faithfully seek God, we can be certain of this promise. But, to make that plan come to fruition, God asks the people of faith to faithfully give. And, this also is not just some nebulous giving. With God’s plan before us, our giving specifically serves God’s specific plan.


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Sermon Archive

Confessions of a Rich Young Ruler

District Superintendent comes to share from the Gospel of Mark what he has learned from his experience as a Rich Young Ruler.


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Sermon Archive

Evangelism: How Do I Do It?

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Sermon Archive

Each One Reach One: It’s All About Love

This is a short 2-sermon series about Evangelism in general, but to help prepare us practically for Fall Festival in the short term. Fall Fest is one of our biggest outreach opportunities, so we need to be prepared to share the Gospel for our guests who come.
This weekend, we use again the 1 John 4:10-21 text, kind of as a segue from the Spirit series. Our “telos” = “end for which we are created” , or “perfection of ourselves”, is love. Perfect love for God, and perfect love for others. If we are to share the Gospel faithfully & effectively, we must start in love:
– We must know & believe that love starts in God’s love for us and then our love for God. People won’t believe a word we say about “coming to Jesus” if we haven’t come to him on our own.
– That love for God is only made real by our love for others. People won’t listen to a thing we say if it’s not said in love for them.

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Sermon Archive

Living Up to God’s Potential

One way the Greek’s translated “potential” is in the word “Telos.” It is the word of “the end toward which something is made.” In the Bible, it’s translated, “perfection.” Not a static perfection, but the end for which we are made. It is love. Jesus Christ calls us to this end, and the Holy Spirit gives us all we need to live into it.


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Sermon Archive

Potential Barriers

To experience the full potential of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives, we must deal with the barriers to the potential of the Spirit. Like the High Pressure system that’s driving Irma, the “High Pressure” of sinfulness within us can push the Spirit away. This also creates a spiritual “vacuum” where the Devil can more easily come in to do further damage. The amazing part of God’s grace (the Holy Spirit’s work), is that when we confess and open ourselves to the Spirit (reducing our “Pressure”) the Spirit flows in, to heal, to empower, and to protect. Let’s tear down these barriers!


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Sermon Archive

Realizing our God Given Potential


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Sermon Archive

For God’s Sake – Slow Down!

In the final sermon of this series, we wrap up with the reminder that while God blesses us with the example, Spirit, and means to live an unhurried life, it is not for our sake, it is for God’s sake! The Matt. 28 text (The Great Commission), is actually 2 Great Commissions: 1) A Commission to remove ourselves from the world to be present with God (“The disciples went to the mountain to meet Jesus”.) 2) Then we’re ready for the Second Commission, to make disciples as we’re going about our lives. God gives us both of these Commissions, because we cannot accomplish one for God without the other.


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